What is a National Executive Committee decision?
This article is an 'executive decision' which has been written by the RMT National Executive Committee. The National Executive is the union's governing body in between AGMs. Its decisions set out what the union will do on a particular issue.
These decisions can often be brief, and may be one of several passed over a period of time. To get a better understanding or find out more information about what the RMT is doing, speak to your rep or attend your branch or Regional Council meeting.
We note the resolution from our East Ham branch concerning job cuts, and that similar resolutions have been passed by several other branches.
We share the views of our branches, and affirm that this union opposes all job cuts on London Underground and across TfL. We instruct the General Secretary to ensure that this position is made clear in relevant union publications and public statements and in any meetings and correspondence with the employers.
We further note the resolution from our East Ham branch concerning cuts to service control jobs, which has also been passed by several other branches with London Underground service control members.
"We share the views of our branches and confirm that this union opposes the planned job cuts, and believes that new technology must be used to complement staff rather than to replace them."
We instruct the General Secretary to obtain a report on the company’s compliance with the agreement reached in settlement of our dispute earlier this year and to challenge any attempt by the company to renege on the agreement.
Planned Job Cuts
We share the views of our branches and confirm that this union opposes the planned job cuts, and believes that new technology must be used to complement staff rather than to replace them.
We instruct the General Secretary to convene a meeting of all our London Underground service control representatives, and the branch secretary (or his/her nominee) of all branches with London Underground members, with the lead officer and GGC members, to discuss and plan an effective campaign against the service control job cuts. The meeting will also be open to individual London Underground service control members who wish to attend.
We further instruct the General Secretary to prepare a report for the meeting, detailing the planned job cuts and the discussions that have taken place so far, and to place a report of the meeting in front of the GGC within seven days of it taking place.
London Transport Regional Council, branches and representatives to be advised.
What is a National Executive Committee decision?
This article is an 'executive decision' which has been written by the RMT National Executive Committee. The National Executive is the union's governing body in between AGMs. Its decisions set out what the union will do on a particular issue.
These decisions can often be brief, and may be one of several passed over a period of time. To get a better understanding or find out more information about what the RMT is doing, speak to your rep or attend your branch or Regional Council meeting.
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