Show your solidarity with our cleaning grades
Dear colleague,
Show your solidarity with our cleaning grades
RMT has two petitions in circulation currently relating to campaigns being run to support our cleaning grades members. I'm asking all members to make sure they have signed - and shared - these petitions. We're an all-grades union and we look after each other. Getting involved in the campaign to win insourcing and improvements to the pay and conditions of our cleaning grades members is part of what it means to be an industrial union.
- Bring London's Tube Cleaners in-house - Add your name to this call on London Mayor Sadiq Khan to do the right thing by his cleaners currently outsourced to ABM:
- Give free travel to rail cleaners and review their outsourcing - This petition to Secretary of State Mark Harper calls on the government to follow the Mayor of London in giving free travel to rail cleaners and reviewing the outsourcing of rail cleaning.
Sign here:
Thank you for your solidarity.
Yours sincerely,
Michael Lynch
General Secretary
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