RMT Trains' Functional Council response to London Underground's funding crisis 'engagement' sessions.
We have listened carefully to your presentations over the past month.
You have said that, prior to COVID-19, LUL was on schedule to provide an economically viable service to not only run Tube services but to subsidise other passenger services. This all changed as a direct result of the first lockdown in March 2020.
The RMT does not accept the premise that train drivers – or any other groups of staff – should pay the price for a pandemic that was beyond their control. The RMT believes that the only dialogue that needs to take place is between the Managing Director of LUL and the Government, where we expect Andy Lord to forcefully demand proper funding for London Underground.
The Government has stated that London must be the “engine of recovery” for the entire UK economy; in which case central government must properly fund the public transport system. The RMT will not engage with you in your attempt to worsen fatigue for our members by asking them to work more hours.
We will not engage in a carnival of reaction that will see long-established agreements torn up to the detriment of our members and to the benefit of management. It is the role of this Trade Union to improve conditions for its members, not to worsen them.
If LUL insists on forcing through changes which are deleterious to our members, the RMT will have no choice but to use industrial action to protect them. Any further talks on this matter should be referred back to Company Council.
RMT TFC Representatives 7 th October 21
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