Further to my previous Circular (IR/123/23, 3rd May 2023), an avoidance of disputes meeting took place with the Company and our negotiating team made progress in some areas as outlined below:
Cleaning Staff received uplifts in line with the applicable London Living Wage uplift, effective from 1st April in 2020, 2021 and 2022.
The Company acknowledged that Security & other staff have not received pay awards since 2020 and will therefore implement the same percentage uplifts as those received by Cleaning staff.
The above does not affect RMT's claim for a substantial increase in rates of pay and improvements to conditions of service, for which further discussions will take place.
Bank Holiday Rosters
ISS has recognised the need to schedule work for the Security Team, to include Bank Holidays, and to ensure ISS staff are rostered for the appropriate hours per week, as reflected in the agreed roster.
Front of House (FoH) Rosters
ISS has committed to meaningful local discussions regarding shifts worked by those tasked with FoH duties and the coverage of these expected of Security Staff.
Pay Queries
ISS has committed to further local discussions over how pay queries are addressed
Payment for Night Duties, for Assaults and Sick Pay
ISS is in discussions with KAD over Assault Pay.
Current arrangements will remain in place regarding Sick Pay and enhancements for working Night Shifts.
Monthly Meetings
The Company has agreed to meet RMT Representatives on a monthly basis going forward in order to discuss issues which arise.
However, the following items remain outstanding:
A failure to address the 2023 pay award
A failure to improve Sick Pay entitlement and Night Allowance
This matter has now been considered by your National Executive Committee, which has taken the decision to ballot members at ISS (KAD Contract) for strike action and action short of a strike over the above issues. Ballot papers will be sent out on Wednesday 19th July and the ballot will close on Thursday 10th August 2023.
If any member does not receive their ballot paper, please ask them to call the RMT Helpline on 0800 376 3706 or e-mail I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.
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