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The following resolution was recently received from Piccadilly and District West Branch:-
“This branch notes the dangerous new precedent being set by London Underground regarding training.
Despite having well thought out, agreed ways of training drivers, management are attempting to water training down beyond recognition.
This new world would see a driver watching, and being talked through, only a video before actually driving in a location. This is totally unacceptable to the RMT. The previous arrangements were driving through the area with an instructor operator. We demand this for South Harrow sidings and all other new areas of the Piccadilly Line.
It would be expected that all on our railway would strive for well trained staff. This move does away with quality training for no other reason than to save a few quid.
We instruct the NEC to call an immediate dispute over this matter, and to prepare a ballot matrix”.
This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has taken the decision to ballot Piccadilly Line Train Operator members over this wholly unacceptable imposition of poor quality training. The Union is determined to maintain training standards for Piccadilly Line Drivers and I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.
Yours sincerely,
Michael Lynch
General Secretary
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