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Further to my previous Circular (IR/048/22), dated 11th February 2022, the Piccadilly and District West RMT Branch submitted a resolution regarding the unacceptable imposition of poor-quality training on the Piccadilly Line.
This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee which took the decision to enter a dispute with London Underground and to ballot all Piccadilly Line Train Operators for industrial action to demand that training standards are maintained.
I can therefore advise that the ballot will commence from Friday 1st April, for strike action and for action short of a strike.
If you have a member who has not received a ballot paper by Friday 8th April 2022 then please ask them to contact the RMT by email at:, or by calling the National Helpline on 0800 376 3706.
The ballot Closes on Thursday 21st April 2022.
It is imperative that we get a significant return in the ballot for industrial action, so we are not prevented from acting on our members' wishes by the ballot thresholds. Failure to meet these thresholds means industrial action cannot happen, so a high turnout is crucial.
I trust this keeps you fully advised, and I will inform you of any further developments on this issue.
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