LU caves in to government demand to run full service

Don’t put yourself in danger to meet government targets
Tube staf could soon exposed to thousands of people every day. The failure to protect London Bus drivers from close contact with the public contributed to a terrible Covid 19 death-toll amongst these workers - 16 times higher than the rate of Covid deaths of NHS staf. TfL may be refusing to learn from their failure to close the front doors but RMT will not stand by and allow members on LUL/TFL to be exposed to unacceptable risk.

LUL says 2m social distance only applies “where possible”. We say 2m must be maintained at all times in public areas.

The only time we can accept any mitigation to 2m is where we have specifically agreed mitigations in staf areas, mainly in engineering grades, for essential tasks that cannot be done alone.

Face coverings are not a mitigation for 2m distance. They do not protect the wearer from infection. LU has refused to provide PPE to mitigate so ensure you keep your 2m.

Don’t just keep going if you can’t maintain 2m. Take the advice of LU Director, Brian Woodhead, who has stated several times that, “If people feel unsafe, they should withdraw from that situation.”

Please download the attached poster for more articles on:
- 2m social distancing guidelines
- Zero Tolerance to Spitting
- Financial settlement
- A guide to LUL's Refusal to Work Policy