The London Transport region of the RMT recently held a training day for young members who want to become more active in the union. A Young Members' group has been setup and a Regional Young Members' officer has been elected.
The Young Members' group wishes to inspire members of the RMT under 30 to become more actively involved in the union. We have already started this by visiting depots and other workplaces, asking various young members what would get them involved in the union. Because of this activity some young members are becoming active for the first time.
We want to carry on and improve the work that's been started and we need your help to do this.
We have written to Branch Secretaries suggesting the following things to do:
- Identify areas where you have a concentration of young members. Let us know and we will be more than happy to come and talk to them about how they can get involved.
- Put us in touch with young members already involved in the union.
- At the upcoming branch AGM, elect a young members' 'champion', who will encourage young members to get involved in the union and to take up young members' issues.
- Send a delegate to the National Young Members Conference in Birmingham in late February. The deadline for conference motions will be December, so get your branch to send motions, so young members can be involved in passing union policy.
Many thanks for your help
The RMT London Region Young Members group
Contact: Becky Crocker, Regional Young Members' Officer
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