Reinstate Ciaran Russell now!
Submitted by admin2016 on 19 March, 2014 - 18:26Reinstate Ciaran Russell now!
Sacked on suspicion!
Welcome to TfL No.1 branch's webpage. The branch represents and organises TfL workers in TICC, Oyster and TIC, and LU Managers, Admin and Technical services. It also represents individual members in the rest of TfL. For more information please contact the branch secretary or branch chair. Please come along and get involved - you will be made very welcome! You will need to sign in to read branch meeting minutes.
Reinstate Ciaran Russell now!
Sacked on suspicion!
Further to my previous correspondence, I would like to congratulate you for supporting your union and taking industrial action, in defence of your pension. This attack on your pension is clearly intolerable and represents the future strategy of TfL management and is a threat to all members in the pension fund regardless of company or grade.
In order to put pressure on the company your Executive committee after consulting with your representatives has decided to call the following industrial action:-
Admin Update
After the ACAS talks we told management to end their workshops with Admin if they wanted the consultation to continue as this undermined the talks and was denying Admin proper consultation with the involvement of their unions, management agreed and the workshops ended.
RMT member,
Every job matters - Building for the dispute
Picket lines will be from 2100 on Feb 4 to cover night book- ons in depots and on stations etc. Contact Branch secretary’s for full details.
All the following picket lines will start from approximately 0445 right through until 2300 on Wednesday Feb 5 and from 0445-2059 on Feb 6.
LUL Engineering & Fleet have slightly different plans, please contact Branch Secs. directly.
TfL also will picket their locations slightly later. Please contact Branch sec for full details.
Further to my previous correspondence, I would again like to congratulate you for supporting your union’s call for strike action and action short of a strike in defence of your pension. Your Executive has carefully considered the strong wish of you and your colleagues to carry out industrial action in order to oppose these plans and those expressed by your representatives to fight TfL’s plans. I can now advise you that your General Grades Committee has decided to amend some of the industrial action.
On Wednesday TfL held a special meeting of the Company Council where they presented further information on their plans to freeze staff pay and slash the value of their pensions.
Attached is a leaflet for London Underground Duty Managers and Admin Staff urging them to vote YES in RMT's industrial action ballot, 'Every Job Matters'.
Please distribute. If you would like copies sent to you, please email our Regional Organiser John Leach.
We note the circular from LUL management seeking volunteers to work as ‘TfL Ambassadors’, previously known as ICSAs. We continue to have serious concerns about how TfL and LUL attempt to deploy these staff, in ways which breach the settlement of our 2008 Casualisation dispute and undermine safe operating practices and the jobs of station staff.
We therefore instruct the General Secretary to remind London Underground members of our ongoing industrial action short of strikes on this matter, contained in our decision Gww 19 July 2012 and amended by our decision Gww 15 August 2012.
We note the report from our Regional Organiser and share his alarm at the increase in the number of projected redundancies and the spread of possible redundancies to clerical grades.
We note that our Regional Organiser has requested feedback from our branch and representatives and instruct the General Secretary to place this in front of us when received.
We also instruct the General Secretary to ensure that our TfL membership details are kept as up-to-date and accurate as possible.
London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.
We note the correspondence from Transport for London dated 12 September 2013, and instruct the General Secretary to forward this to our TfL reps and our TfL no.1 branch and to post it on our website alongside this decision and our ‘What is Market Testing?’ briefing.
We reaffirm that RMT opposes market testing, a process which is used as a pretext either to privatise services or to make cuts to in-house services. In line with this, we note that TfL’s letter sets out that it is making plans to: