
Demo to defend our NHS March 4 2017



Organised by Health Campaigns Together and Peoples Assembly.

Supported by RMT, UNISON, UNITE, BMA and other local health campaigns and trade unions.

Assemble at 12 noon at Tavistock Square, London, WC1 and march to Parliament.

Please make sure you are part of the fight to defend our NHS

The RMT London Transport Regional Council and the RMT nationally have committed to put our weight to fight the attacks on our NHS. We need members and their friends and families to stand with us all to defeat these viscous attacks on working class people.

President Sean Hoyle

Following a resolution that was passed unanimously at January's LTRC, this region would like to place on record its support and solidarity with Sean with regard to his understanding and interpretation of Rule 1. 4. (b) To work for the supersession of the capitalist system by a socialistic order of society.

The recent media reports and character assassination by them of Sean are disgraceful and bear no resemblance to anything approaching fair and reasonable reporting.