Defending and improving conditions

Campaigning for better working conditions

RMT Bakerloo News July 2019

Here is the latest issue of Bakerloo News. Please download and distribute it in your Bakerloo Line workplace.

In this edition:

- Cleaners: prepare to strike!
- Win on MYB mess room
- Hot weather debacle
- SRT staff demand proper training

RMT will fight hard for improvements for ABM cleaners

Dear colleague


As you may know, RMT is currently in dispute with ABM in our campaign for “Justice for ABM Cleaners.”

Yesterday, 26th June 2019, your Regional Organiser John Leach along with RMT ABM representatives met the company's Contract Director and his HR team face to face to demand improvements on the key issues at stake in this dispute:

- Free Staff Travel
- Decent Company Sick Pay
- Access to a direct pension scheme, same as the TfL pension scheme

Marylebone Station Mess Room

Subject: Marylebone Station Mess Room

We note the correspondence from Bakerloo Line Branch and instruct the General Secretary to convene a meeting at Unity House of the SAGS, Lead Officer, RMT Health & Safety Officer.

Health & Safety Reps, and NEC particularly the Health & Safety Sub Committee at the earliest opportunity.  

Bakerloo Branch & Relevant Regional Council to be informed.



RMT to ballot all ABM cleaner members for Strike Action


That we note the report from our Lead Officer following the meeting with our ABM union representatives; and that no movement on any of our matters raised have been addressed by the company. We therefore instruct the General Secretary to advise the company that we are in dispute over their failure to provide free staff travel, a company wide sick pay scheme
or decent company pension.

RMT moves towards dispute as pay talks collapse

TUBE UNION RMT said today that it is moving into a ballot for strike action involving London Underground staff after crucial talks collapsed today with management refusing to offer any significant improvement to the pay and conditions of the workforce across the network.

Ballot preparations for 10,000 staff across all grades are now well advanced with the union saying it is angry and frustrated that a golden opportunity to come up with a positive offer has been blown by tube bosses today.

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:

Tube bosses plan to close all Revenue Control line offices

RMT revenue reps are to discuss all options including possible industrial action over LULs appalling decision to close all Line Revenue Offices.

The proposal is that all RCIs will be based at Baker Street in the current revenue control office. This includes all locker, shower and PC access only being available at Baker Street, an office that barely suits 40 odd people there now.

With nearly 140 RCIs being planned to move there , it’s a case of treating RCIs like sardines. It also means journey times of up to an hour to access mess facility’s and lockers.

RMT train reps call for review into insufficient driver numbers

Update May 3rd 2019

Today your RMT TFC reps met with LUL to discuss levels on trains; the current numbers were agreed as part of the 2009 Agreement.

The formula used to determine which “Band” a depot fell in was based on various factors, including the number of duties at a depot, the position of the depot on the line, the frequency of trains, number of remote booking locations and the proximity of the train crew to a rolling stock depot.

Jubilee South News, February 2019

Jubilee South News is the newsletter for tube workers, from activists in the Jubilee South branch.

In this edition:

  • Dust up on the Jubilee Line
  • If Red Tabards are the answer whatever was the question?
  • Assaulted at work and charged by the BTP, defended by the RMT 
  • Say hello wave goodbye

Please download and distribute this newsletter in your Jubilee South branch workplace, and also share it online with colleagues and comrades.