London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Serious Safety Risk Warning Over Plans to Cut Tube Line Inspections

Photo by James Cridlan

TUBE UNION RMT today warned of serious risks to public safety as it emerged that track safety patrols are to be cut.

RMT are pointing to the move to halve safety inspections as clear evidence that claims by Mayor Boris Johnson that the £5 billion black hole facing TfL will not result in front line cuts are nonsense.

Bob Crow, RMT General Secretary, said: “We have warned all along that the multi-billion pound black hole facing TfL, and the financial chaos at Tube Lines, would result in real service cuts and would impact on safety and reliability.

The Neasden Flyer - November 2009

Please Find Attached, the Current issue of The Neasden Flyer

Inside this issue...

Willesden Green Group Ballot for Strike Action

Defending Jobs & Agreements Train Operators Detraining instead of CSAs

Straford Market Depot Ballot for Strike Action


LUL Rates of Pay and Conditions of Service Dispute

circular logo
This is RMT's Official circular regarding LUL - IR/334/09 dated 10th of November 2009, from General Secretary Bob Crow.

You will be aware that, following consultation with our representatives, RMT previously decided not to accept LUL’s pay offer and to commence a re-ballot of its LUL Membership for industrial action. I can confirm that our stand prompted Management to arrange a meeting yesterday with all the unions at ACAS.

London Underground's Offer on Medical Redeployment

PLease find copied below, and attached, London Underground's proposal for medical redeployment (not a guaranteed alternative job) for drivers only (and only 25 drivers!). RMT does not accept this. The part at the end in BLOCK CAPITALS is a commitment obtained by RMT to further discussion within a week on extending this to other grades and lifting the maximum 25.


Finsbury Park Branch Monthly News - Special Issue on Industrial Relations Crisis on Finsbury Park Group

As a consequence of some appalling local management on the Finsbury Park Group, our branch has published a special edition of Monthly News to highlight what has been going on there. Click on the attachment to download a copy and read all about it.

Talking About Pay at ACAS

Olly Brian and Paul at ACASRMT and London Underground are discussing pay at ACAS today.

RMT hopes that London Underground management take this opportunity to increase their insulting-low pay offer. Your union will ballot members for strike action should LUL's pay offer not give you a decent rise.

Check back to this website for news of what happens at the talks.