What is a National Executive Committee decision?
This article is an 'executive decision' which has been written by the RMT National Executive Committee. The National Executive is the union's governing body in between AGMs. Its decisions set out what the union will do on a particular issue.
These decisions can often be brief, and may be one of several passed over a period of time. To get a better understanding or find out more information about what the RMT is doing, speak to your rep or attend your branch or Regional Council meeting.
Following the Morden & Oval Branch resolution regarding the above, the General Grades Committee took the decision to ballot all drivers at Morden for strike action and call for his immediate reinstatement (Circular No. IR/240/14, 12th September 2014).
An appeal hearing was held but the decision to dismiss Brother McGuigan was upheld and in line with the agreed machinery, RMT General Secretary Mick Cash has met with LU Managing Director Mike Brown and a Director’s Review of this matter has also now taken place but so far, Brother McGuigan has not been reinstated.
In line with the GGC decision, I have advised the Company that a dispute situation exists between us over this issue and that RMT Train Operator members at Morden Traincrew Depot will be balloted for strike action. The ballot papers will be posted out to members on Thursday 30th October and the closing date for this ballot is Tuesday 18th November 2014.
I will keep you advised of all further developments.
What is a National Executive Committee decision?
This article is an 'executive decision' which has been written by the RMT National Executive Committee. The National Executive is the union's governing body in between AGMs. Its decisions set out what the union will do on a particular issue.
These decisions can often be brief, and may be one of several passed over a period of time. To get a better understanding or find out more information about what the RMT is doing, speak to your rep or attend your branch or Regional Council meeting.
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