Neasden branch

Welcome to the Neasden Branch page of RMTLondonCalling

Please ensure that you sign into this website, as information such as branch meetings and newsletters are held in the members only area

Metropolitan Line and Jubilee Line North Branch (Commonly known as Neasden Branch) is responsible for members at 34 Stations, 4 Train Crew Depots, 2 Service Control Rooms, 5 Signal Cabins and 2 Revenue Control Depots.

Click here for contact details for industrial and safety reps and branch officials.

Click here for the link to the PDF of the branch dates for 2017.

Neasden Branch Meeting Dates 2021 and Branch Nominations.

Attached are the Neasden Branch meeting dates for 2021. 

Please note the following: 

At the January branch meeting will be dealing with nominations and elections for the following positions;

RMT General Secretary
Wembley Park IR trains
Jubilee West Tier 1
Jubilee North Tier 1

The branch is also seeking nominations for the following;

Young members officer
Political officer
Women’s officer.

Wishing you a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year! 



Neasden Branch AGM

The Neasden Branch AGM will be held on Wednesday 16th December at 16:00hrs.

Due to current restrictions, the meeting will be held online via the Zoom Video Conferencing site (log-in details available nearer the time). 

The meeting will deal with Branch Officials for 2021, the AGM for 2021, delegate nominations, and also nominations for the Wembley Park Trains (Level 1) Rep Position.

Zoom Log-in details for the AGM will be posted on this page. 

Jubilee News April 2020: bosses plan to impose a 4 minute train service

Tube bosses have announced plans to impose a 4 minute timetable on the Jubilee Line in a matter of days. At a time when we are risking our lives and that of our families to come to work; it is both unnecessary and an insult to us to expect us to operate such a high level of service throughout the day when trains are frequently empty.

Conference Delegates Required

At our next Branch Meeting on Friday 13th December, we will be seeking delegates to represent us at the TUC Congress 2020, The RMT Disabled Members Conference, The RMT Black and Ethnic Minority Members Conference, The RMT LGBT+ Conference, and the TUC LGBT+ Conference.

If you are interested in attending any of these events then please attend the next Branch Meeting to nominate yourself, or if you cannot attend, ask your local Rep to nominate for you.

Neasden Branch Recruitment Day

Neasden Branch will be holding a Recruitment Day and General Walkabout on Wednesday 20th November 2019. All Branch Reps and Officials are encouraged to attend.

Please meet at Wembley Park Ticket Hall at 10am.

The Branch meeting will take place after, at the usual time of 16:00hrs at The Torch.

RMT winning for tube drivers: SPAD CDI thrown out

- Please download the attached newsletter.

RMT train driver Mulu Tumzghi faced termination at CDI following a SPAD in Neasden depot. The RMT went into dispute and fought his case and now this unnecessary disciplinary has been thrown out. Mulu is back at work as a train driver because he is a member of the RMT, the train drivers union.

Mulu should never have faced a a disciplinary charge: his was not an aggravated SPAD. Mulu was honest about what happened and followed instructions as soon as he was aware of his error.