Resolution: Management Bullying of Staff

This resolution, submitted by East Ham branch, was withdrawm at the March meeting of the Regional Council as it had been overtaken by events!

That East Ham Branch believes that the tactic of isolated & localised action as seen on London Underground last year was not as effective as it should have been, whilst being strongly supported. It would now be fair to say that local managers are redoubling their efforts to intimidate and bully staff into coming into work sick or face redeployment. This is certainly still happening by the current GSM on East Ham group.

London Underground Management are still persecuting our staff when they are sick, still bullying our members in the workplace, still trying to put our safety at risk by pushing for lone working outside on gate lines.

We believe that these tactics are being encouraged and supported by senior management to destroy our agreements and rip up our terms and conditions. Our membership is demanding action at the threat of leaving the Union if some action is not taken to stop these attacks.

We know that whatever they get away with in one area is soon rolled out to others. Our membership in other grades should be aware that if they get away with attacking us, they will come for them next.

We must stop the rot before it eats away our terms and conditions completely.

We feel strongly that our regional organiser should approach our comrades in the TSSA with a view to organising joint strike action against this oppressive management. Regardless of the outcome of this meeting & with or without the TSSA we believe that we need to send a clear message that we will not be cowed by their intimidation and threats.

Therefore the East Ham branch calls upon our Regional Council to support and organise an all grades ballot on London Underground with the intention of closing the system to highlight the plight of our staff. This ballot is not to involve discussions on lost of jobs or 2009 pay talks but held separately.