Excess Wheel Screech Update.

At the recent TFAG, (Fleet Liaison) RMT H&S reps were told the reason for the problems with wheel/flange squeal have now been identified as being caused by grease pots either wrongly directed or being empty. This is exactly what the track people told RMT H&S reps back in February were definitely not causing the fault. MRIS, the specialist team brought in by Metronet, however have now confidently declared that they have been able to locate the source of the problems and will have it rectified by August 2009. If the problems are just grease pots needing redirection or to be re-filled this H&S rep has asked why it will take nearly 3 months to undertake a seemingly simple task. When and if, I receive an answer I shall update our members accordingly. RMT H&S reps will continue to harass Bakerloo line managers to have this problem resolved sooner rather than later.