Further to my last letter, RMT members at Sodexo voted in favour of industrial action in defence of Petrit Mihaj, your RMT Rep and Activist who has been so disgracefully victimised and sacked by your employer.
An Employment Tribunal has totally vindicated Petrit and ruled he had been unfairly dismissed for his trade union activities. These trade union activities involved supporting, organising and representing RMT members at Sodexo, trying to ensure you are all fairly treated by a bullying employer.
Although the Tribunal ruled in his favour, there is no obligation on the company to reinstate Petrit to his original job. We are therefore seeking your continued support in our campaign to force the company to return Petrit back to work where he belongs. This union is determined to see justice done and will not stand by and allow this situation to go on.
Having considered the result of the ballot, your General Grades Committee has decided to call all Sodexo members to take strike action by downing tools and not working between the following hours:
• 06.30 hours and 11.00 hours on Monday 4th August 2014
I thank you for your continued support for your colleague and rep Petrit Mihaj who has been treated so appallingly by Sodexo. We must see justice done and I urge you all to fully support the strike.
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
Acting General Secretary
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