Morden and Oval branch

Includes London Underground station and revenue staff on the southern half of the Northern Line, plus drivers at Morden depot

Say no to overtime - support the overtime ban - 0001hrs 23November 2016


This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has taken the decision to call action and instruct ALL LUL STATION & REVENUE members NOT TO WORK ANY OVERTIME OR REST DAYS from 00:01 hours on Wednesday 23rd November 2016 until further notice.


London Transport Regional Council 29 September

The next meeting of the LTRC will be at the Torch PH in Wembley Park on Thursday September 29 1630 - 1830

Following an initiative from Neadsen Branch the LTRC will be travelling around the region using Branch locations to hold the monthly meeting.

Recruitment and organising activity will take place prior to the Regional Council.

Please make every effort to attend

All members are welcome

It's your Union come and have your say

Jubilee South News November 2015

This is the latest edition of Jubilee South News.

In this edtion:

  • Jubilee South Branch ready to defend unfairly treated disabled member
  • 4 day 36 hour week trial – the ayes have it!
  • RMT preparing ground for ballot to defend brother Hart
  • AGM branch meeting details


London Transport Regional Council

Th next meeting of the London Transport Regional Council will be on Thursday 24 September 1630-1830

Please try and attend and make sure your own branch is represented at this important organising meeting.

There will be reports from the Counil of Executive member John Reid and from the Regional Organiser John Leach.

Special cleaners members meeting- June 10 BlueEyed Maid 1500


ISS/Interserve/AGS contracts

Special grades meeting on Wednesday June 10th

Blue Eyed Maid at 1500

Borough High St

London SE1

nearest station London Bridge/Borough

All members welcome, we want to hear your views and have your feedback on the disputes we have currently on LUL contracts.
The Council of Executive member and the Regional Organiser will be there to hear your views.

Saturdays McGuigan Strike "First stage Of A Rolling Programme"

Further to my previous Circular (IR/034/15, 29th January 2015) the ballot for strike action has concluded and members are congratulated for returning a ‘yes’ vote and for the excellent support shown despite a massive campaign of misinformation and smears mounted by LU and TfL bosses and the media.