Black and ethnic minority members

Black and ethnic minority RMT members are organising for equality and against racism. 



Emergency Motion, Trainpeople- TUC Black Workers Conference 2013

TUC Black Workers Conference 2013

Emergency Motion 1- PASSED

Trainpeople on London Underground

Conference notes that on 27th February 2013, RMT called on Trainpeople members to take industrial action over London Underground's decision to terminate the contract with Trainpeople Agency.

Through the agency these employees had a variety of customer service roles, including station assistant, gateline and supervisory posts, some for up to 5 years.

RMT Fringe Meeting- Justice for the 33 13/4/13

Glen Roy Watson (RMT Finsbury Park Branch)
Jayesh Patel (RMT Bakerloo Branch)
Cecile Wright (University College Union)
Frank Murray (RMT LU Engineering Branch)
Janet Barnabie (one of the 33 -RMT Bakerloo Branch)

The RMT hosted a lunch time fringe meeting at the Trade Union Congress Black Workers Conference on the 13th of April 2013. Delegates and Visitors came to hear about the mistreatment of 33 RMT members at the hands of an unscrupulous agency company called trainpeople and the not so positive role of London underground in all this.

Drop in session to discuss Workplace Harassment and Bullying

LU Engineering branch have organised a drop in session to discuss workplace harassment and bullying.
All RMT members are welcome, please circulate flyer to friends you feel would benefit from the session, but do not display on workplace noticeboards, for fear of management repercussions.

The event will be held upstairs at the Exmouth Arms, Starcross Street, London NW1 (near Euston station)

The event will run on Wednesday April 17th, from 12pm til 6pm, please drop in any time you can.

Used. Abused. Refused. Now re-abused

Used refused and abused,
Now re-abused.

It is disingenuous of London Underground to suggest that the assessments our 33 members were expected to take part in were fair and above board.
The feeling amongst the 33 RMT members is that they were never going to be given a fair crack of the whip on these assessments. What they saw with their own eyes certainly never gave them any confidence they were being treated fairly.

WEA Course: The History Of Black People

The Workers Education Authority is running a course "An Introduction To The History Of Black People In Britain." Black and Asian people have been an active part of British society for centuries. This course gives a broad overview of the experience of immigrants and their interaction with settled populations, particularly in relation to slavery and the labour movement.

The course takes place over three consecutive Saturdays from March the 2nd of March between 10am and 2pm.

The course is held at the WEA Learning Centre, 96 - 100 Clifton Street, London EC2A 4TP.

Blog: 2011 Census

Data from the 2011 UK and Wales census was recently released. The Office for National Statistics which oversees the process says the census "help paint a picture of the nation and how we live. They provide a detailed snapshot of the population and its characteristics, and underpin funding allocation to provide public services."

A number of reports have been compiled from the findings covering London. Notably these include the 'GLA Intelligence Unit' reports into the Labour Market, Housing, Ethnic Diversity and Health & Unpaid Care findings of the cencus.

Regional Council Meeting Report November 2012

This is a synopsis of the report given by the London Transport Region Executive Member Janine Booth to the London Transport Regional Council Meeting on 29th November 2012.

To get more details please try and attend your branch meeting or regional council - your rep should have more information too. Alternatively this site has lots of information and material for workplaces in the London Region.



RMT Black And Ethnic Minority Members Newsletter October 2012

Check out the latest Black & Ethnic Minority members' newsletter. It has the dates for our next set of meetings, plus details of how RMT members can get nominated for our National Committee.

The Advisory Committee meets three times a year and its role is to advise the Council of Executives on issues relating to black and ethnic minority members.Items are submitted to the Advisory Committee by Branches and Regional Councils.The three-year term of office for members of the National Black and Ethnic Minority Members’ Advisory Committee finishes at the end of this year.

Nominations from Branches are currently being sought for delegates to serve on this Advisory Committee from January 2013 until December 2015. Please inform your Branch Secretary if you want to be nominated.