Rainbow Procedure

RMT is fighting against London underground's 'rainbow' procedure for sickness.

Update: Noel Roberts

All members of East Ham Branch are encourage to attend the next meeting, which will take place on Thursday 4th June at 16:45 at The Spotted Dog in Barking.
The General Grades Committee has received advice from our legal department that there may be some issues with the ballot for Noel Roberts. This is a symptom of the disgraceful anti-Trade Union laws we are dictated by.

RMT Highlights Opposition To Rainbow Procedure


Further to my previous Circular (IR/120/13, 21st February 2013), the Attendance, Performance and Conduct (APC) working group met to discuss this matter where RMT confirmed that we remain opposed to this policy and LUL’s use and abuse of its attendance policy more generally. The following resolution has recently been received from our Piccadilly & District West Branch in respect of this matter:-

Stations & Revenue Functional News November 2013

LU is set to announce cuts in station staffing. RMT will fight to maintain 24/7 Supervisor cover for every station. We will oppose further cuts in Ticket office availablity.

Also: Rainbow seems to be returning to many groups with members called in to account for past sickness. read the latest advice here.

Download the newsletter.

Stations & Revenue Functional News November 2013

LU is set to announce cuts in station staffing. RMT will fight to maintain 24/7 Supervisor cover for every station. We will oppose further cuts in Ticket office availablity.

Also: Rainbow seems to be returning to many groups with members called in to account for past sickness. read the latest advice here.

Download the newsletter.

Workplace campaigns: 

London Calling May 2013

In this edition:

  • Piccadilly dispute latest
  • Tube lines dispute
  • Update on Rainbow Sickness Process from Stations Functional Council Reps
  • Fighting for the 33
  • Support ISS Cleaners
  • Supervisor Cuts and Wider use of ICSAs Will be Resisted
  • Thermal Comfort Survey

Updated Advice on Rainbow from Stations & Revenue Functional Reps

See the attached updated advice for dealing with Rainbow sickness processes.

Feb 2013-02-28

Update on Rainbow Sickness Process from Stations Functional Council Reps (SFC).

This update is overdue but we have been waiting for an agreed set of minutes from the last APC (Attendance, Performance & Conduct) meeting with management. The minutes are still in dispute but as the next meeting is not now scheduled until April and we are now getting more reports of the process kicking off again we are issuing this update to previous advice.


RMT To Pursue Joint Union Approach On LU Rainbow Attendance policy

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd.

We instruct the General Secretary to obtain a report on the progress of this issue at LU Company Council, and to pursue the other unions for a response to our request for a joint approach.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.