I am sure you are all aware that Mark was the victim of police and judicial provocation that is a threat to the human, civil and trade union rights of every worker in Britain.
Mark was arrested and held for 13 hours by police for exercising his right to be on a picket line at Hammersmith during the strike by RMT and TSSA members in the current dispute against LUL/TfL's planned service and job cuts.
Even more concerning, Mark's bail conditions include 'Not to be actively involved in any RMT trade union or any other union associated with LUL/TfL or to be in attendance at any organised industrial action until the case is finalised'. This condition is a breach of Mark's human and civil rights to associate freely with his fellow RMT members and a clear and flagrant invitation to LUL to dismiss a great, dedicated RMT activist and elected official.
Please download, display and share the attached flyer widely in your work place
Please share via social media , texts etc
Come to support Mark at Hammersmith on 25 feb at 0845
- Eamonn Lynch's blog
- 3330 reads