Timescale for Pay Campaign

The Regional Council meeting on Thursday 29 May 2008 unanimously adopted the following resolution from Stratford no.1 branch ...


This Regional Council believes that our campaign for next year's LUL pay claim starts now. We believe that the first stage is to conduct a democratic debate as to what our claim should be. We therefore resolve that:

  • RMT LUL branches should discuss what they think the claim should be at their meetings in June and/or July and forward proposals to the Regional Council.

Stratford no.1 branch minutes, 11th July 2007

Minutes of branch meeting, 11th July 2007, The George, 17:00

Attendance: Terry O’Neill, Chris Bluett, Rob Crowhurst, Dave Dean, Nino Meriano, Richard Loomes, John Latona, Martin Bell, Adrian Finney, Dave Pittman, Steve Rice, Kay Shatford, Brian Witham, Ash Malik, Nicola Higgins, Richard Millhouse, Allan Thomson, Mohammad Mujahid, Alan Deabill, Gary Weston, Den Fitzpatrick, Steve Read, John McConville, Rahim Faily, Janine Booth (taking minutes), Unjum Mirza (in the chair)

Guests: Jim McDaid (Bakerloo line branch), Steve Hedley (LU Engineering branch)