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Your MATS reps recently met with management to discuss the ongoing issues arising from the creation of the Trains Manager role.
We raised concerns over various issues including the continued lack of training and uncertainty of responsibilities and aspects of the role.
Management responded by saying that all Trains Managers have had a one-to-one meeting with their TOMs to discuss training needs. We know this is not the case and any instances should be reported to your reps.
We are also concerned that people are being forced to cover for their TOMs when they are absent. Management agreed with us that this is unacceptable and the TOM should only be covered by those who are competent to do so and have volunteered.
We have had informal reports that some Train Managers are being allowed to not do certain shifts or are avoiding doing all aspects of the new role. If you have concerns about this, it is important that you report them to your rep as we need specific examples to bring up in meetings.
There are still many issues with rostering, in particular flexible shifts not being covered or used correctly, as well as inappropriate rostering practices. Again, if this is the case in your location, please inform your rep of the details so we can challenge this. Additionally, we are continuing discussions about 12 hour shifts and this is now being discussed at Health & Safety Council.
We raised serious concerns that new recruits will be sent to locations where people have been on waiting lists for considerable time. This is totally unacceptable and we will continue to oppose this. If you will be affected by this, please contact your rep for advice.
This would not be happening if management had accepted our proposed Framework and we are hopeful that talks on this can resume in the near future.
If you have concerns over any of these issues, or anything else not mentioned, please contact your rep. Any concerns you raise will be treated with the strictest confidence
Lorna Tooley – MATS Functional Rep – 07949290973
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