Trains Management - Development Centres

By now all DTSMs and TOSMs will have been invited to attend a Development Centre and will have received an essential reading pack. Your MATS reps have meet with the company and raised various concerns around the centres and the essential reading. 

Your reps explained to management that there is a massive lack of trust across the company due to the number of times things have been sent out 'in error' about the Development Centres, including continued use of the word Assessment and references to passing and failing. This alongside the fact that the company have still failed to address many key aspects of the proposed changes is of great concern. Affected managers still do not trust that the information gathered on these centres, which feel very much like we are being interviewed for our own jobs, will not be used against us or determine future location. 

Concerns were also raised that people would not be given sufficient time to read the essential reading and your reps asked for assurances that time will be provided to release you from duty to read the materials if you need this. Management responded that you could do this on nights or when the desk is quiet. This is wholly unacceptable and sufficient time should be provided for you where needed. One of your MATS reps will be attending one of the earliest centres and will feedback on it as soon as possible. Until then, please ensure that you have taken enough time to prepare before attending a centre. As management continually say, they are for your own benefit, so it is only right that you are fully prepared. 

For more information, please contact your rep or your Branch