Branch newsletters

Newsletters produced by RMT branches within the London Transport region

Bakerloo News October 2014

Here is the October / November issue of Bakerloo News. In this edition

  • Threat of strikes forces concessions: Keep fighting to win more!
  • Management’s five year plan for LDIs?
  • Justice for Alex, Noel, and Vicky! Reinstatement now!
  • RMT beats lone working at Stonebridge Park

Click 'read more' to view and download the newsletter

Bakerloo News: September 2014

Here is the September / October 2014 edition of Bakerloo News. it has all the latest news for Bakerloo branch members.

In this edition:

  • Every Job Matters - The fight goes on!
  • What is Bakerloo News?
  • Reinstate Alex McGuigan!
  • Cap SATS at an hour!
  • Tree vs Train

Click 'Read more' to view and download this newsletter.

Bakerloo Branch Newsletter July 2014

In the July edition of Bakerloo News:

  • Reinstate Dave Hanson: Sacked...without evidence!
  • RMT Bakerloo: winning for workers
  • Support locked-out ISS cleaners: Initial could be next!
  • Union Learning update
  • What is Bakerloo News?
  • Stand by for more action in LU jobs dispute - We still say: no to cuts and closures!
  • Brian Munro, 1968-2014

Piccadilly Depot News - Strike Special

Piccadilly News is the newsletter for drivers at Arnos Grove, Acton Town and Northfileds.

In this edition:

  • Rock solid again
  • Arnos Grove depot - best supported strike at Arnos Grove ever
  • Acton Town and Northfields - There was a tremendous show of support from all but a few
  • Once again, RMT station staff responded magnificently tothe strike call
  • Attack on pensions

Mordern & Oval Branch Newsletter: A Tribute To Bob Crow

Morden Oval Branch News pays tribute to RMT General Secretary Bob Crow who passed away recently.

On Tuesday March 11th 2014, the sad news reached us that Bob Crow; leader of the National Union of Railway, Maritime and Transport workers had died of a heart attack. It was shocking news. Many of us who knew or had met Bob, appreciated he was much more than the portrayal the right wing press and it’s counterparts loved to vilify. Bob was amicable, modest and highly approachable to anyone who wanted a word with him.