ABM Cleaners' dispute 2019

Jubilee South Branch News November 2019

Jubilee South news is produced by RMT Jubilee South branch activist. Please download and distribute it in your workplace.

In this edition:

  • Ballot planned as RMT rejects Tube pay offer

  • CSA sacked as AM ditches right to redeployment

  • Workplace violence increasing

  • ABM boss earns £4.5m

  • Detrainment staff return to the W&C line


TFL executive earnings twenty times that of ABM Tube cleaner

As tube cleaners ballot for action RMT reveals they would have to work 20 years to earn a TfL executive’s annual pay packet.

As tube union RMT ballots Tube cleaners for industrial action for pay justice the union has revealed that an Underground cleaner would have to work for nearly 20 years to earn the £374,000 TfL’s highest executive makes in just one year, while it would take them 246 years to earn the £4.5 million the CEO of the US outsourcing company that employs them pulls in annually.

Bakerloo News November 2019

strike flag

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for Bakerloo Line workers and is produced by RMT activists.

In this edition:

  • Cleaners: vote yes for strikes!
  • Spikes versus netting?
  • Timetable saga drags on

Please download the attached document to read it and share it online or print it out and distribute it in your Bakerloo Line workplace.

RMT sets aside £100,000 for strike pay for Tube cleaners


 The RMT NEC has just unanimously agreed an INITIAL £100,000 for hardship payments for striking Tube Cleaner Members!

 "That we note the call to support our ABM members and Instruct the General Secretary to initially ring-fence £100k for hardship payments to our members who participated in strike action. This is to be kept under review."

 Together We Are Stronger!


Jubilee South News October 2019: ABM Cleaners' Ballot Special

Jubilee South branch have produced a special newsletter as part of our efforts to build the ABM Tube cleaners' ballot. Cleaners are being balloted in a fundamental fight for free staff travel, decent pensions and sick pay.

 In this edition:

  • ABM Cleaners Prepare to Fight Back
  • For Pensions, Sick Pay And Free Travel

  • The Law and taking strike action

  • Free Staff Travel

  • Company sick pay

  • Decent pensions

  • Ballot to win justice begins

RMT to begin balloting ABM cleaners

Dear Colleagues,


A dispute situation was declared by the National Executive Committee over the company's failure to provide free staff travel, a company-wide sick pay scheme and a decent company pension (Ref: IR/240/19, 13th June 2019).

No progress on these matters has been achieved, despite the best efforts of our representatives and negotiators. Therefore, notice of a ballot of all RMT members at the company was served on ABM this week and the ballot opens on Monday 28th October 2019 and closes on Tuesday 19th November 2019.

ABM Cleaners' ballot organising meeting

To all LUL Region Branches

Dear Colleagues


As you know we are balloting our ABM members for strike action to secure Staff Travel, proper Sick Pay and a decent Pension for all.

The ballot opens this Monday 28th October with a closing date of Tuesday 19th November 2019. Myself and our National Executive Committee member, Andy Littlechild are calling a meeting for all Branch Secretaries and Chairs on Monday 28th October commencing at 14.00 hours in Unity House.