
All LTRC Newsletters and regular bulletins

Piccadilly Line News – Dispute Special

Management throw policies and agreements out of the window as the RMT takes a stand for drivers.

The issues…

Following months of turning the screw on members who are sick or make mistakes at work, the “new style” management thought that we would just lie down and take it. The latest insult resulted in duty sheets being produced that attempted to rob the members at the west end of the line of 5 minutes booking on time. As soon as management got wind that this was going to unite the line against them, a new set of sheets were produced that adhered to agreements. As if by magic! This is the thin end of the wedge. Management clearly want to cut your union out and do as they please. If this is allowed to continue you will very soon come to work in fear of your job.

j33 April 2013 Newsletter. Support Us! Strenghten Yourselves!

Attached is the latest newsletter giving background information on the treatment of the 33, of how LU are ripping up agreements and why all grades on London Underground should be balloted and vote yes.

The J33 are available to visit branches and workplaces to answer any questions you may have. Don't let them divide us.

Please forward, circulate and display on noticeboards.

Join the demo on Monday 15th April. Details in newsletter.

RMT produces newsletter on Bakerloo detrainment dispute

Click on the attachment to see an RMT newsletter on the Bakerloo detrainment dispute. Main stories follow:

RMT suspends Bakerloo action

RMT on Thursday 21st of March agreed to suspend the Bakerloo detrainment action. While noting that progress had been made since the initial introduction of ‘flash and dash’, LU’s proposals fully accepted by ASLEF, fell short of the union’s aspirations for a proper detrainment policy that would be acceptable elsewhere on the combine.

MATS Newsletter: Admin CDI Note Taking

A lot of the admin on London Underground are being asked to take notes at Company Disciplinary Interviews. We have been informed by the MATS reps that this is voluntary and in no way can you be made to do this. The company is looking for a team of forty five volunteers to take the minutes at CDIs.

The company want to reap the benefits of the Admin Grade Review which they dumped because they didn't want to financially reward staff for going above and beyond their role. Some people are being told by their Centurions that they have to take part in this fiasco, you

RMT London Calling Newsletter March 2013 Edition

Download or view the newsletter below

Mike Brown Confirms LU to attack Stations Jobs

On February 18th Our General Secretary Bob Crow met with Mike Brown to discuss the future of Jobs on the combine. LU are pressing ahead with plans to remove night-turn supervisors and gave no assurances about the grade of staff left to run the stations through the traffic day.

We must insist that 24 hour coverage of our stations by supervisors is maintained to guarantee’ safety and
that correct procedures are followed by companies in Engineering hours.

LGBT Newsletter Standing Proud Winter 2012/13 Edition

The latest edition of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender newsletter 'Standing Proud' is now available.

It has the following stories:

  • RMT Hold Protest Outside Ugandan Embassy Over Threat To LGBT Rights
  • LGBT Conference 2013
  • RMT Protest Russian Governments Attacks On LGBT Peopl
  • Executive Response to motion on the effect on young LGBT people of scrapping housing benefits
  • LGBT History Month
  • RMT vows to fight 'gay cure' organisations