Defending jobs

Opposing cuts in staffing levels and jobs

TfL Traffic Enforcement Job Cuts

by an RMT rep

Our Department Director has informed us of sweeping job cuts. It seems that management are bulldozing these cuts through. Rumours from worried senior managers are claiming that around 2,500 jobs are to be axed on TfL.

After giving us a slide show about ‘proposed’ changes, they then handed every member of staff a letter telling them whether their position had been ceased or not, and whether you would have to reapply for your own job.

Defending Jobs Together

by Jared Wood, RMT rep, Rickmansworth group

We remain in dispute over the enforced transfer of five CSAs from Rickmansworth group.

RMT’s strike action was extremely well supported. 70% of turns did not book on; 25 members picketed. Several TSSA members and even non-union staff observed the strike.

LUL is picking local disputes with station staff in an attempt to demoralise us by facing these down. At some point they will attempt a major cut in station staff numbers. This must not be allowed to happen.

Casualisation Dispute: Victory for RMT!

From 'RMT On The Trains' newsletter, August 2008

Recent threats of strike action combined with public campaigning by the RMT caused management to re-think their plans to cut station staff. We pointed out that a safe railway must be properly staffed. Videos will never substitute for staff.

LUL have now dropped their plans to close dozens of ticket offices. Furthermore they dropped plans to do away with station supervisors during traffic hours – not everything we want but even that could not have been achieved without determined action from your union.