
Interim Report from CCSG on Location & Review Process

Displacement Process and Review
We held further talks about the displacement process and proposed review at Company Council Sub-group today. Once again we were not satisfied with LU’s response to the issues we’ve raised and the company has agreed not to proceed with the review until they have considered their position further. They will respond on Tuesday afternoon, next week.
We will issue a Stations Functional Newsletter once the company’s position is clear. For the moment I can make a few points that I know members are asking about:

Station Locations for Fit for the Future Announced: How to Review & Appeal your Location

LU has sent out displacement notices to members. Moves are due to take place in 2016.
At first glance it looks like around 1000 station staff have been forcbly dispplaced when they had preferenced reaining on their current areas. Ths is about 25% of all station staff.
Please download the new SFC News and distribute it as widely as possible.
There is a also a poster to download i word format. Local reps should insert their contact details and make sure it goes to every station on their group.