Defending jobs, pensions and agreements - ACAS report

I today met with senior LUL management under ACAS along with 9 senior representatives from every function on LUL representing over 10K  members.

LUL called this meeting despite us writing to the Mayor of London 13th January demanding talks at his level to discuss the planned attacks on our members which resulted in a magnificent yes vote for industrial action.

Piccadilly and District West branch motion on plan to reduce driver training


The following resolution was recently received from Piccadilly and District West Branch:-

“This branch notes the dangerous new precedent being set by London Underground regarding training.

Despite having well thought out, agreed ways of training drivers, management are attempting to water training down beyond recognition.

Bakerloo News February 2022 - All out on 1 and 3 March!

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for Tube workers on the bakerloo line, produced by RMT activists. 

In this edition:

  • All out on 1 and 3 March!
  • RMT Bakerloo picket lines
  • Why drivers should strike
  • LU plans cuts on Bakerloo stations: strike to stop them!
  • Reverse outsourcing!

Please download the attached newsletter to read these article. You can also print it out and distribute it in your Bakerloo line workplace.

Video: RMT Regional Organiser on upcoming Tube strike

As RMT gets ready to strike on London Underground on the 1st and 3rd of March, to defend our jobs, pensions and agreements RMT regional Organiser John Leach says:

"The rmt has stood up and will continue to stand up and fight for what is right. That is why we are taking strike action, there can be no further delay."

Watch the full video here.

Defending jobs, pensions and agreement: now is the time to act


Further to my previous Circular (IR/017/22, 19th January 2022), extensive consultation has taken place and RMT Reps from all grades have fed back the strength of feeling amongst members over the planned attacks on jobs, pensions and working arrangements.

Report: TUC Disabled Workers' Committee, 16 December 2021

- report by Janine Booth, RMT nominee on the Committee

Flexible working and reasonable adjustments

The TUC has been advocating what it calls ‘flexible working as a reasonable adjustment’ for disabled workers. What it means by this is the right of disabled workers to work from home or another location, with hours that suit our access needs.

Cost of Living Crisis: Join protests across Britain

Dear colleague,

Cost of Living Crisis: Join protests across Britain called by the People's Assembly, Saturday 12 February

Inflation is soaring, eating into the value of your wages. The energy companies are protecting their dividends by raising household bills by 50%. Our double-talking government says it wants to see wages go up while it slams a pay freeze on the railways and other public services and hamstrings unions from organising effectively. People are anxious and angry and this should be turned into action.