Solidarity with the Egyptian revolution

This resolution, submitted by LU Engineering branch and amended by Stratford no.1 branch and LU Engineering branch, was passed unanimously by the February meeting to the Regional Council:

Region notes:

Egyptians have taken to the streets, braving bullets and tanks to fight for change, freedom and social justice.

Region believes:

That there can be no real change until the rule of dictator Hosni Mubarak is swept away and all his cronies go with him.

That the US, which has used Egypt as a major ally in the Middle East, should stop meddling in the region and not thwart the wishes of the Egyptian people.

That as well as democratic change the people of Egypt will need to take up issues of fundamental social change to prevent them being made to pay for the crisis. We recognise that the recent emergence of an independent trade union federation, will be a vital element in protecting the Egyptian workforce against tyrannical bosses of all kinds. We urge the Union Executive to extend every support to this new workers organisation.

Region resolves:

To support Egyptian protesters' demands for an end to the rule of Hosni Mubarak and his whole regime, the establishment of a genuine democracy and for social change to meet the needs of the people. To call on the British government to sever all links with Mubarak and his henchmen. We oppose any attempt by the imperialist powers to intervene in Egypt. To invite a speaker from the Egyptian solidarity movement ( ) to our next meeting and to forward this motion to our head office and to the TUC.

This Regional Council further notes:

The victorious revolution in Egypt on Friday 11 February 2011 is of world importance. While
Tunisia marks the epicentre of the revolution, the Egypt revolution equals the tsunami sending
waves of revolt across the Arab world and beyond.

The protests and protesters were heroic, while the growing strikes and the development of
independent trade unions significantly added weight to the movement spelling the end for Mubarak.

This Regional Council further believes:

While we celebrate the downfall of Hosni Mubarak, like many Egyptians, we recognise that the fall
of Mubarak is just one key element in the fight for “bread, freedom and dignity”.

The despised, brutal secret police must be dismantled. The army's hierarchy is an integral part of the
political apparatus as well a huge 'stakeholder' in the economy – it has been a mainstay of the
regime. Therefore the toppling of Mubarak has not entirely swept away the brutal regime he

We support the move towards democratic elections and civilian control.

However, important political and, crucially, socio-economic demands remain to be met. In the
present situation 'standing still' and awaiting change is not an option as the present attempts by the
military to curtail workers' rights and ban strikes testify.

The struggle must go forward to preserve the achievements thus far as well as to extend further
gains to the mass of the population.

The move towards elections must be complemented by the continued formation of independent
trade unions, workplace committees and neighbourhood committees so that the Egyptian people and
workers can maintain ownership of the revolution and the gains made so far as well as determine
the further development of the revolution.

This Regional Council further resolves:

Solidarity is the bedrock of trade unionism. That solidarity must and will extend beyond the national
boundaries of our rulers.

1. To continue to support, financially and with whatever other effective means at our disposal, the
fight for the political and socio-economic demands of the revolution.

2. To support, financially and with whatever other effective means at our disposal, the formation of
democratic independent trade unions, workplace committees and neighbourhood committees.

3. To send solidarity greetings and support the newly formed Constituent Body of the Egyptian
Federation of Independent Trade Unions. Email:

4. To make arrangements with the Constituent Body of the Egyptian Federation of Independent
Trade Unions to exchange solidarity visits; engage in speaking tours and conferences; to circulate
statements and leaflets/newsheets and spread the spirit of resistance and revolution. Further, to
invite a delegation from the Constituent Body to speak and march among the National TUC
demonstration against austerity on 26 March.

5. To assist through trade union funding, donations and book collections, the formation of a
People's Library - a free learning and organising centre of struggle in Egypt accessible to all - to
share ideas of our movements for a better world. Egypt was once the world centre of learning. Once
again, today, Egyptians have taught us, through their struggles, that a better world is possible. We
owe a debt in knowledge, solidarity and struggle.

6. To follow the example set by the arab masses and re-double our efforts to mobilise the biggest
demonstration of workers, unemployed, students and the poor on 26 March against the Con-Dem
governments savage cuts to our jobs, services and welfare in an attempt to make us pay for their
global economic crisis.