Following further talks at ACAS, your Executive Committee considered a proposal from London Underground to resolve our dispute. Having considered this proposal, your Union has suspended all industrial action including the strike that was due to commence from this evening. Therefore you are instructed to work normally.
I can advise you that the full details of the deal reached at ACAS and subsequently confirmed by formal correspondence from LUL is as follows:
“1. London Underground would agree not to implement its Fit for the Future – Stations proposals, as set out in the HR1 and Section 188 Notice, until it has undertaken further meaningful and detailed discussions with the trades unions. This period of consultation would take place over the period Wednesday 12 February 2014 until week ending 4 April 2014. The Change Assurance Plan and Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) would develop during these discussions, which would take place at Company Council level, agreeing its own terms of reference.
2. During this period of discussion London Underground would put on hold all Voluntary Severance applications received and not request any new applications, and would also remove from its e-Zone all learning material associated with its Fit for the Future - Stations proposals.
3. In response to points 1 and 2, the trades unions would agree to enter into detailed discussion in respect of London Underground's Fit for the Future – Stations proposals. It is acknowledged that as a result of these discussions with the trades unions, the proposals could be subject to change.
4. During the above consultation period, London Underground would agree to discuss, amongst other things, a station-by-station review including ticket office closures which could result in some ticket offices remaining open, the proposed methods for stations' job selection, proposed job roles and proposed stations categorisation for Fit for the Future - Stations.
5. RMT and TSSA would withdraw all industrial action called to date in response to London Underground’s Fit for the Future – Stations proposals.
6. All parties would commit to return to ACAS on week ending 4 April 2014 to report on progress.”
This is what we were asking for all along and thanks to the support and solidarity you have shown, sense has finally prevailed. Nevertheless we remain firmly against these cuts which we will continue to resist in our discussions with management. I will be sure to keep members fully informed of any further developments.
Yours sincerely
Bob Crow
General Secretary
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