TfL no.1 & LU MATS branch

Welcome to TfL No.1 branch's webpage. The branch represents and organises TfL workers in TICC, Oyster and TIC, and LU Managers, Admin and Technical services. It also represents individual members in the rest of TfL. For more information please contact the branch secretary or branch chair. Please come along and get involved - you will be made very welcome! You will need to sign in to read branch meeting minutes.



Olympics: RMT Demands Better From TfL

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We further note that our members on TfL are highly dissatisfied with the way that the employer is treating them, with both a lack of adequate financial reward and unacceptable changes to working conditions.

We instruct the General Secretary to immediately organise a ballot in line with our previous decision of 23 February 2012, to send a personal letter by post to all members, and to assist the branch and representatives in campaigning for the maximum turnout and 'yes' vote.

Unions Oppose TfL Attempt to Divide Equalities

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the documentation on file regarding TfL’s proposal to divide its Equality and Inclusion team into two parts, one for staff issues and one for service delivery. We endorse the objections that staff side have raised to this proposal. We further believe that this division inaccurately implies a significant difference between equalities issues facing workers and those facing passengers, whereas workers and passengers share similar a interest in an accessible, non-discriminatory transport system.

TUC Disability Conference 2012

RMT Council of Executives decision:

We appoint Sisters Maria Taylor (TfL no.1 branch) and Esme Bradbury (Stratford no.1 branch) as delegates to TUC Disability Conference 2012, and additionally appoint Brother Marr and Sister Booth to represent the Council of Executives.

We instruct the General Secretary to ensure that these delegates receive all relevant information and support to attend this conference.

RMT Fights for Fair Olympic Deal for All Grades of Transport Workers

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the correspondence from our TfL no.1 branch, and are appalled that this employer intends to severely restrict annual leave over the Olympic period, including banning annual leave during the Games altogether in at least one department. This will make life very difficult, if not impossible, for many of our members, for example those with school-age children. We are similarly appalled at TfL’s totally inadequate financial offer to our members, consisting solely of a £15 payment if a shift is changed.

London Lesbian And Gay Switchboard Birthday Party

London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard would like to invite TfL's LGBT group members to an event we are holding to celebrate our 38th birthday, and to announce how we are expanding our services this year.

Please come and enjoy drinks, nibbles and a chance to meet some of our volunteers, celebrity patrons, and supporters at our building near Angel from 6.30pm to 9pm on March 6th, with short speeches from our patrons at 7pm.


Once again, the Morning Star must appeal to its backbone and its lifeblood, the readers who own, support and underwrite the paper - in short, you.

And if you do not respond, and soon, there may well not be a paper to support.

It has been an eventful and in many ways successful four or five years for the Morning Star.

In that period, we have gained formal support and a presence on our board of management from a solid majority of the organised trade union movement - a first that has astonished - and gratified - people throughout the labour movement.

Transfer: Carillion to TfL

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we welcome the report from our Regional Organiser that the employer has confirmed that it has adhered to TUPE, and will confirm this in writing.

In accordance with our Regional Organiser’s request, we instruct the General Secretary to write to Martin Boots at TfL asking him for the details of travel facilities available to staff on Crossrail, Sodexo, security companies, cleaners, taxi drivers, dial-a-ride and any other contractors or sub-contractors working under the auspices of TfL.

The reply is to be placed in front of us.

No to hate crime campaign

The following resolution submitted by TFL No1 Branch was carried unanimously at the October 27th meeting of the Regional Council.

No to hate crime campaign are a non-profit making organisation that have been running vigils in Trafalgar square in October for the last two years. They are currently going through the process to achieve charitable trust status.

This region notes the importance of a collective stand against all forms of hate crime and the hard work done by to date.

This region resolves publicise the and the affiliation form.