RMT To Ballot Carlisle Members on The Docklands Light Railway


In December 2013, we entered into dispute with the Company over a breach of our agreement regarding implementation of the London Living Wage and following the threat to take industrial action, a settlement was reached, including a pay increase for all members and a commitment that all staff on all contracts will be paid at a rate at least equivalent to or above the London Living Wage from commencement of the new franchise (Circular No. IR/42/14, 30th January 2014).

However, we have now received correspondence from our DLR Branch Secretary and Lead Officer advising of yet another failure by Carlisle to deliver on a promise, namely to maintain the differential between Cleaning/Security/Travel Safe Officer (TSO) Grades despite assurances given during the last dispute.

The General Grades Committee has considered this matter and taken the decision to advise the Company that we are in dispute over this matter and to conduct a ballot for strike action of all our affected members. I am currently acting in accordance with this decision and will keep you advised of all further developments.