Jobs/Pay/Justice Dispute

Starting in March 2009, RMT's industrial action campaign for decent pay, against job cuts, and to stop management persecuting staff and breaking their own policies

Reject the pay insult - Vote YES for action

After a mass meeting of reps RMT is to reballot members on the dreadful 2 year pay offer made by LUL. The meeting agreed that issues over bullying and breaches of agreement had not been resolved and that a 1.5% rise this year and 0.5% on top of inflation next year was a slap in the face. A high turnout and a big yes vote will give RMT a fresh mandate to call more action and will send a message to management that they can stick their 2 year pay joke. So far RMT members have managed to get rid of LUL’s outrageous 5 year pay insult and have successfully defended our ‘jobs for life’ deal. Now the RMT is to escalate this dispute and force LUL to make us a sensible offer.

Rates OF Pay, Conditions Of Service 2009 and Redundencies at TFL

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This is RMT's Official circular regarding TfL - IR/301/09 dated 15th of October 2009, from General Secretary Bob Crow

Further to my circular of 9th October 2009, the General Grades Committee has asked me to make the necessary arrangements to convene a meeting under the auspices of ACAS in accordance with the TfL procedural agreements. I am given to understand that TSSA are making a similar approach.

Ballot to Strike Called Over Rate of Pay for LUL Staff

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This is an extract of RMT's Official circular regarding LUL - IR/296/09 dated 9th October 2009 from General Secretary Bob Crow

As you will be aware, RMT has been in a dispute situation with LUL for most of this year. There have been several areas of dispute including this year’s pay claim, breaches of agreements and threats to jobs.

London Underground pay dispute - Back into action!

bloke in chicken suit with placardA well-attended meeting of London Undergroud RMT reps today voted unanimously to reject the company's miserly pay offer of 1.5% this year and RPI+0.5% next year. The meeting also voted by a majority that the union should seek the agreement of members for further action, through either a new industrial action ballot or a referendum on the offer with a recommendation to reject it.

London Underground Reps' Meeting: Have Your Say on Pay

All London Underground RMT reps (indusrial relations, not health and safety) are released from duty to attend our meeting to discuss London Underground's pay offer, as follows:

Venue: Mahatma Gandhi Hall, Indian YMCA Fitzroy Square, near Warren Street

It is very important that you attend this meeting, to report on your members' views on the pay offer and to take part in the discussion on how the union should respond.

Letter to the Morning Star: Fighting for Members?!

It's good to see various trade union leaders saying they will be fighting for their members whoever is running the country, but perhaps they should start now. Most of the recent disputes in the oil refineries, occupations at Visteon etc were started by rank and file with the leaderships being forced to support the workers.

Big adverts in the Morning Star stating how many members you have and pleading for the government not to cut public services and please be progressive do nothing. Fighting back does.

Resolution: Conduct of Jobs/Pay/Justice Dispute

This resolution, submitted by Stratford no.1 and seconded by Neasden, was carried at the September meeting of the Regional Council:

This region believes that before any further industrial action on the outstanding issues in our current dispute with LUL, there should be a new ballot or referendum of all members involved.

We also believe that before the union accepts any pay offer from LUL management, there must be a reps’ meeting and a referendum of all members.

LUL and TfL pay latest


At a meeting of the LUL Company Council last week, the company’s pay offer was further discussed. There was no further movement by the employer and so their offer still stands as follows:

Year 1: 1.5% increase from 1st April 2009 Year 2: February 2010 RPI + 0.5% or 0.5% whichever is the greater from 1st April 2010

'RMT London Calling' September 2009 - Is This All You Are Worth?!

newsletter fron page22p. That's what London Underground's pay offer is worth to a Customer Services Assistant in year 2. The new issue of 'RMT London Calling' newsletter spells out the details of how miserly LUL's and TfL's pay offers are, and how poorly they compare to rises enjoyed by company directors and even by other workers.

There are also reports from Docklands Light Railway, the Woolwich ferry, the Victoria line 'five-rounders' dispute, and Boris Johnson's latest broken promise - on snow day pay.

Click '1 attachment' / file name to download it. Please print and distribute around London Transport workplaces.